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caravanparklavesima de 2-de-259986-international-march-mare-monti-arenzano 014 SPRACHE WÄHLEN: DEU
International March Mare Monti Arenzano

International March Mare Monti Arenzano

Registration office: At the new bowling green located on the promenade - Piazza Calasetta 
Check point: Piazza Calasetta from 7.00 hrs. to 9.00 hrs.

STARTING POINT: Piazza Calasetta
Arrival: Piazza Calasetta  - Within 17.00hrs.

Endorsing ticket: At  starting point, on the route and at  arrival point.

Participation: Non-competitive walks, open to everybody . You can also register for one day only. As the walk is non - competitive, there’s no ranking list. The event can be cancelled  in case of issuing of bad weather “red” alert . In this case registration fees are non-refundable. In case of issuing of bad weather “yellow” alert the tracks can be modified by organization. 

1st day: 10th September 2016: 
A - LONG * - Km 20 - (m 1.083 a.s.l.)
B - MEDIUM  - Km 15 - (m 898 a.s.l.) 
C - SHORT - Km 5,90 - (m 209 a.s.l.) 
D -  RIVIERA DEL BEIGUA - Km 20 - (m 245 a.s.l.) 
2nd day: 11th September 2016:
A - LONG *- Km 20 - (m 1.088 a.s.l.)
B - MEDIUM * - Km 15,85 - (m 450 a.s.l.)
C - SHORT - Km 5,63 - (m 65 a.s.l.)
D *- RIVIERA DEL BEIGUA - Km 20 - (m 5 a.s.l.)
*Note: The distance on the IML stamps will be Km 20 for both  tracks: A - D.
Award: after two walking days

Special prize: Groups of at least 10 people will be awarded with a trophy  or a plate. The final rank  is up on  the number of  people registered in every group and on  the days of participation in the walk.

How to enrol to the walk:We recommend registration online as this is the most simple and practical way to get you registered. Fill out the application form on until 6th September 2016. Pre-registered walkers can collect their Start Cards at pay their fees at the “REGISTRATION DESK “ when it opens, starting from Thursday 8th September 2016 h. 16.00 hrs.  
Free refreshments: along the routes and at the arrival point
Equipment: For the “A“ and “B” tracks walker are advised to have suitable equipment : waterproof windbreaker, trekking boots
A colorful enamelled medal is on sale at the Registration Point.
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caravanparklavesima de 2-de-259986-international-march-mare-monti-arenzano 024
Via Rubens, 50R - 16158 Genova (Ge)
Tel. 0106199673 / 0106199672 - Fax 0106199686 - P.Iva 01643950999
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Credits TITANKA! Spa